The very popular Overlord anime from Japan has just received an RPG tie-in game that is absolutely free to download right now on PC. The RPG was created as a promotional item celebrating the start of the third season of the anime that recently started as part of the Summer 2018 anime season. The free RPG was created using RPG Maker MV, a software that allows you to share and create your own video games easily.
In the Overlord RPG, you play as main characters Momon and Nabe as they set out on an Adamantite-class adventure, which fans of the show will appreciate. The game features art based on the show in addition to classic sprite-based characters for maneuvering through the game world.
The Overlord RPG itself is actually pretty substantial in size, featuring several original side quests to take on and a good amount of content to experience. The only downside is that the game adaptation is currently only available in Japanese. You can still play it without knowing the language but you will miss out on all of the original dialogue created for the RPG.
The Overlord RPG currently has chapters one and two released for the game with no announcement on how many chapters the team plans on making in the future. The RPG is based on the anime series in its third season right now in which Momon is a person who became stuck in a game that he was one of the very best at.
You can download the Overlord RPG for Windows computers right here, Mac computers here, and there is a web browser version available here that requires an account. If you want this localized in English, we recommend reaching out to Crunchyroll who currently translates the anime and has delved into games recently.