5 Items to Get You Started in Old School Runescape

As the MMO title OSRS continues to make strides with its steady growth of new players, more questions are being raised as to how those new players can get started in the ever-growing phenomenon of a game. With situations such as these in mind, you may wonder what you’ll need to stack up on OSRS Gold and take on vividly macabre demons. Here are five items and goals that you should work on to maximize your time playing Old School RuneScape:

#1: Graceful Set

For the newly-initiated, it’s advisable to start working on your Full Graceful set right away. This is because it revolves around your character’s agility; a pivotal component as you journey through Gielinor. No matter what you choose to do in the game, Agility is always going to play a crucial part in your experience.

OSRS Gold Graceful Set

Why is the Graceful outfit is so important? At the game’s start, you should be looking at ways to increase your character’s speed. This is exactly what the Graceful set aims to do. By donning this outfit, you will receive an increase of run energy by 30%. This trait, combined with a stamina potion that offers up a 20% restoration of run energy, can prove to be useful in your adventures.

#2: The Fighter Torso

If you head over to the Barbarian Outpost, you will be able to pick up a rather essential item known as the Fighter Torso. Here, you will find what’s known as the Barbarian Assault, so you will want to speak to the nearby NPC for some tutorials before getting started. Once you learn the ropes you can promptly dive into the assault. You’ll find that wearing the Fighter Torso can make a real difference.

OSRS Gold Fighter Torso

Though this piece of armor may not appear to be as useful as others, and suffers from not having some of the Magic defence that other pieces may offer, it can still be highly useful. What it has going for it is that it’s a very light piece of equipment which will aid in your overall movement.

#3: Ardy Cloak 1

Moving on; another item that you should look into is the Ardy Cloak 1. To obtain this handy cloak, you’ll need to complete the Easy Ardy Diaries, from which you will receive the item as a reward. This is a great item for a lower level character, as it offers unlimited teleports to the Monastery, and other ways of getting around key areas at this point in the game.

OSRS Gold Ardy Cloak

The reason that these are so useful for low-level characters is that the requirements are pretty minimal. To use the cloak, players need to have completed the Biohazard and Rune Mysteries quests on top of having level 13 Fishing and level 5 Thieving. It also gives you a 10% increase chance on Thieving without getting caught which will prove to be useful in the early stages.

#4: Barrows Gloves

The Barrows Gloves may take you longer to obtain than any other item on this list, but they may also prove to be the most effective. The gloves have a lot going for them, but will require you to have completed some pretty hefty tasks, one of which is the Recipe for Disaster quest. You’ll also need to have done the Elite Lumbridge & Draynor Diary. As far as levels are concerned, you’ll need to have a Defence stat of at least 41. Even though this isn’t required to wield the gloves, it’s the prerequisite for the tasks you will have to complete to obtain them.

OSRS Gold Barrows Gloves

So, with all of that to contend with, players will be hoping for a decent reward for their troubles. The Barrows Gloves provide this, especially if you are taking a Ranged approach to combat. These gloves offer the best possible offensive Ranged bonuses and both the second-highest Magic and Strength behind the Tormented Bracelet and the Ferocious Gloves respectively.

#5: Fairy Rings

New players will inevitably learn that teleportation also plays a key role in the way you approach OSRS. This is why items previously mentioned such as the Ardy Cloak 1 are so important. Therefore, on the subject of teleportation, there are also items known as Fairy Rings, which can be found fairly early on.

OSRS Gold Fairy Ring

Once you have Fairy Rings unlocked, which serve as rather eye-catching teleportation platforms, you will be able to navigate around areas of the game much easier. To access these rings, you will need to have completed the Fairytale I – Growing Pains quest, as well as both Lost City and Nature Spirit. Skill-wise you’ll need 40 Thieving, 49 Farming, and 57 Herblore. As for items, you’ll want to find a Dramen, Mortar and Pestle, and Water. While this might seem like quite a list, it will certainly be more than worth your time in the end considering how useful Fairy Rings can be.

Now that you have a selection of items and goals to work towards in the early stages of RuneScape, this short list should help you come to grips with how OSRS Gold works, as well as dungeons, demon-slaying and the many other tasks that await you. You will be well-equipped to prove to be a formidable force in Old School RuneScape.