You Can Now Enjoy Your Favorite PS2 Games Through PlayStation Now

If you joined PlayStation Now, you probably did it with the goal of enjoying some classic titles. Sony has certainly made some awesome games available through the service, but there has been a major deficit when it comes to PlayStation 2 titles. Now all of that has finally started changing.

If you are located in North America or Europe, you will now have a chance to download PS4 ports of a number of popular PS2 titles including Forbidden Siren, Primal, Dark Cloud 2, Hot Shots Tennis 2, Ape Escape 2, Fantavision, Wild Arms 3, Arc the Lad, Kinectica, Dark Chronicle, and Okage: Shadow, among others.

Here is the full list for North America, and here is the full list for Europe.

Since these are PS4 ports, they have been augmented with some additional features such as Trophy support. This is a great start at finally offering some much-needed PlayStation 2 classics. Let’s hope that many more are on the way soon.