Although CD Projekt Red hasn’t yet revealed when Cyberpunk 2077 might release, the studio seems keen to let fans know what to expect from the upcoming RPG. In a recent interview with PCGamer, writer Stanis Swiecicki spoke about the role that philosophy will play in the game. Representatives of CD Projekt Red have previously said that they won’t shy away from political themes, as these are at the heart of what defines the cyberpunk genre. It seems that the studio thinks much the same about its philosophical themes.
How Cyberpunk 2077 Blends Philosophy With Action
Swiecicki talks specifically of the difference between more gritty and action-oriented cyberpunk and more philosophical styles; “Some cyberpunk is more pulpy and driven by action,” he explains; “stuff like Terminator and RoboCop. But then there’s the more philosophical side of the genre. Think Blade Runner or Ghost in the Shell. Our mission is to give players strong elements of both. You’ll experience the thrills of using cybernetic implants and high-tech weaponry in combat, sure, but there’s also depth in the story. We want to ask questions about what identity and individuality are in a world where people are so closely connected with technology.”
Of course, those philosophical themes will be a major influence to Cyberpunk 2077’s story. At present, we still know almost nothing about what exactly that story will entail. The Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay demo, the only one which has been shown so far, showed footage from very early in the game. Fans still have no idea where the story will take V. Indeed, only a small number of characters from the game’s cast have likely been shown thus far too.
“Storytelling is hugely important to us as a studio,” continues Swiecicki; “We want to tell stories that resonate with people on an emotional level and ask important questions. So there will be a lot of that in the actual game. It’s an important part of the genre”; It will certainly be interesting to see how CD Projekt Red realises the genre in the game when it does eventually release. Although no dates have been confirmed yet, a recent rumour did suggest that the game could launch in 2019.