Red Dead Redemption 2 Skip Time: How to Speed Up Time in RDR2

It’s no surprise that a lot of players are wondering about how to do the Red Dead Redemption 2 skip time feature. The game is deliberately slow and intimate, making days go on for a while sometimes. This can be annoying since certain things require a certain time. For instance, most shops only operate during the daytime while other events only happen at night.

What makes it more difficult is that days can go by really slowly when you are just exploring. However, there is, thankfully, a Red Dead Redemption 2 skip time feature you can use. This will allow you to speed up time quickly to whatever you need it to be. Unfortunately, it isn’t explained well how you use it. This guide will address how to speed up time in RDR2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Skip Time Explained

Red Dead Redemption 2 skip time

Unlike games like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, you can’t just speed up time by pressing a button. You have to do a certain action in order to speed up time in RDR2. There are actually a couple of ways you can do this, though. First, the most obvious one is sleeping at Arthur’s tent at the main campsite.

Doing this will give you the option to select between various times to wake up. You typically have options like waking up in the morning, noon, night, and so on. Simply select the one that best fits your needs and do it. However, this does require you to be near camp. Fortunately, there are other ways of doing this outside of your gang’s main camp.

If you find yourself far away, you can always choose to sleep at the nearest inn. If you’re in the middle of nowhere, you can also choose to set up camp. This can be done rather easily by opening the weapons wheel and tabbing over to the items section. You can find the campfire option at the bottom and set it up. With the camp set, you can sleep just like you would in your tent.