Players Have Already Found a Way Through the Fortnite Food Fight LTM Wall

Epic Games added a cool new game mode to Fortnite last week in update v6.30, called Food Fight LTM. The mode involves a giant wall with a timer which ticks down from 5 minutes at the start of a match. This wall is meant to be impenetrable until it falls, but some players have already discovered a way to cut through the Fortnite Food Fight LTM wall before the time elapses.

Here is How You Can Cheat Your Way Past the Fortnite Food Fight LTM Wall

The point of the wall in the Food Fight LTM is to give each team the exact same amount of time (5 minutes) to get their building taken care of. But a simple vulnerability is easy to exploit. Take a look at this video posted by u/Mario4736 on Reddit:

You can get past the wall before it drops in the Food Fight LTM. from FortNiteBR

You can see clearly right at the start of the video that the wall stops short of the water. It is an easy matter to simply build underneath it and emerge on the other side. Literally anyone could do this. They can then attack their opponents before they have finished their building.

This is seriously a huge misstep. Now that everyone knows about it, it is going to be anarchy. Of course, that means that Epic Games is now aware of it too. You can bet that they are going to get it patched up fast. But in the meantime, at least you now are aware of how your opponents may be sneaking over to your side, and you can sneak right back over to theirs.

Tired of waiting to get past the Fortnite Food Fight LTM wall? There is a way through.

If you get tired of coping with the Fortnite Food Fight LTM wall problem, consider taking a break and reading through our other recent Fortnite news and updates!