How to Find All Battlefield 5 Letters in Nordlys

The primary collectable in the single-player campaign of Battlefield 5 are letters, which can be found hidden and scattered throughout each of the War Stories. If you’re aiming to find all of them and progress towards unlocking the unique melee weapons for each War Story, you’ll want to start in Under No Flag. Once you’ve found all the Battlefield 5 letters there, it’s time to go hunting in Nordlys. There are more letters in the second War Story than in the first; 14 in total.

When you approach a letter, an on-screen message will appear warning you that you are in a search area. If you’re looking in the wrong place, this message won’t appear, so don’t waste time searching every area carefully unless you see the pop-up!

There Are Fourteen Different Letters in Nordlys

All Battlefield 5 Letters in Nordlys Chapter 1: Still and Silent

Letter #1: Plan the Future

At the start of Nordlys, you will have the opportunity to use the skis for the first time. After the first skiing section, you’ll come to a bridge. You can avoid most of the guards by using a walkway located underneath the bridge, and on the far side, look for a dead body in the snow. The first letter can be found on top of them.

Letter #2: Write Again Soon

After you reach the second bridge as you follow the mountain road, stop before crossing and make your way up the mountainside to your left. You should see footprints in the snow which lead to a few small buildings. The building on your right as you approach contains the letter.

Letter #3: A War Worth Fighting

Once you reach the entrance gate which leads into the heavy water plant compound, cross to the right-hand side of the road and make your way around the side of the wall. Along this route you should find a pipe which leads inside the compound. Kill the solitary guard and make your way inside. You should quickly find a second German guard, and the third letter is beside him.

One of the Battlefield 5 Letters is Through a Pipe Near the Heavy Water Plant

Letter #4: Silly Ideas

The final letter in the first chapter of Nordlys can be found inside the Heavy Water plant. Make your way through the building, following the path to the room containing the Resistance Fighter. Once you reach the door, stop and go into a small office which is adjacent to that room; you can see through windows into the office from the main room. The fourth letter is on the desk inside.

All Battlefield 5 Letters in Nordlys Chapter 2: All is Ash

Letter #5: To You At Home

The fifth of the Battlefield 5 letters in Nordlys doesn’t show up until after the cutscene on the bridge, so you can go through the rest of the Heavy Water plant section without worrying about missing any collectables. After the cutscene, you’ll come upon a frozen lake which you need to cross. In the centre of the lake is a large island, and the first letter of chapter 2 can be found beside a stack of wood and a pickaxe.

Letter #6: He Has Your Eyes

As you continue through chapter 2, you’ll see an electricity substation on a hill. Look for a path which leads up to the substation, but when you find it, detour on another path to the left which takes you up to the cliffs across from the substation. There you will see a fire, and the Letter is close by.

Four of the Battlefield 5 Letters Are in Chapter 2

Letter #7: My Maintenance Work

Now that you have the sixth letter, cross back over to the substation. Along one side of the fenced enclosure is a tiny woodshed with a stove inside which you can use to warm up. The seventh letter sits on top of the stove.

Letter #8: He Is a Doctor

Once you have the seventh letter, cross the substation to the far side and make your way down the hill. As you do, you should come across a path which leads up and to the left. That way, you should see a campfire. As you approach, turn left into a stand of trees and look for the final letter of chapter 2 which is on a frozen corpse buried in the snow.

All Battlefield 5 Letters in Nordlys Chapter 3: Wolf and Dog

Letter #9: You Never Change

The third chapter of Nordlys takes place in a huge open area with three objective sites, and just like in Under No Flag, you can undertake these in any order. At the start of the section, you will need to ski down a long hillside, but be sure to stop at the building which juts out over the hillside below. The first letter of chapter 3 can be found underneath the building, where there is also contains a resupply cache.

Letter #10: A Girl Her Age

Once you reach the Docklands objective site, you will find two large docks with a number of large cranes. When you enter the docks, look for the crane furthest away from you and make your way to it. The second letter can be found at the top; simply climb the ladder and it should be behind you on the walkway.

The Battlefield 5 Letters in Chapter 3

Letter #11: This Blasted Leg

As you make your way from the Depot towards the Village, you should come across a bridge which leads into the Village. The eleventh of Nordlys’ letters can be found under the bridge, along with a resupply cache.

Letter #12: It Is So Cold

After collecting the eleventh letter, head down towards the frozen lake. You should be able to see a boat which is near the middle, frozen in the ice. Ski out to the ship and climb aboard, then look for the twelfth letter near the cabin area.

Letter #13: Colony of Bats

After retrieving the letter from the ship, head back to shore and make your way into the Village. As you explore the area, look for a house with white walls and a roof which has been destroyed. Inside, you will be able to find a ladder on the upstairs floor leading into the attic. The thirteenth letter is in the attic, alongside a gun.

Letter #14: What a Terrible Mess

Once you complete all three objective sites in chapter 3, you’ll receive an objective to infiltrate a bunker nearby. When you enter the bunker, follow the corridor until you see a door on your right-hand side. The final letter is inside the office on the other side of the door, on the desk.