The primary collectable in Battlefield 5’s single-player campaign are letters which can be found throughout the different War Stories. There are nine in Under No Flag, fourteen in Nordlys, and seventeen in Tirailleur. Collecting all of the Battlefield 5 letters in a War Story counts towards 100% completion in the mission; each completion earned awards you a unique melee weapon for use in multiplayer.
Whenever you come close to one of the Battlefield 5 letters in-game, you’ll see a pop-up on screen warning you that you’ve entered a search area. Be sure to use this as an indicator that you are in the right place; don’t waste time searching an area unless you see this pop-up.
All Battlefield 5 Letters in Tirailleur Chapter 1: Liberte
Letter #1: Mothers and Sons
The first of the Battlefield 5 letters in Tirailleur can be found relatively quickly. Once you finish clearing out enemy soldiers from Checkpoint Kilo. A flag can be found near the back of the checkpoint, and west of it is a smallish bunker. The first letter can be found inside.
Letter #2: Marry Me
When you leave Checkpoint Kilo you’ll look out over the next huge battlefield, covered in tank traps. Before you head down the hill, turn left and walk over to the wreckage of a tank. The second letter is on the ground beside it.
Letter #3: Two Parties Instead of One
Once you head down the hill from where you found the second letter, you’ll make your way through the tank traps and towards a ramp between the German defensive line. Be sure to approach the gap on the right-hand side of the line, and not the left. As you approach, you should see a parked truck ahead of you, and a machine gun emplacement on the right. Pass the truck and climb over the next wall. On your right is a pile of crates, between you and a small bunker. The letter can be found there.
Letter #4: Waste of Life
The fourth letter is very close to the third. From where you picked up the last letter, walk across the battlefield, keeping the German HQ on your right. About halfway across the battlefield is another pile of crates, and the fourth letter is there.
Letter #5: Your Own Children
Both the fifth and the sixth letters in the first chapter are located in the German HQ at the top of the hill. When you arrive at the HQ, you’ll see a row of tents, with two covered transport trucks parked along the left-hand side. On the left of those trucks are some red and white barrels, and the fifth letter can be found behind them, on a crate.
Letter #6: The Enemy Persists
On the opposite side of the German HQ from the trucks are two white huts standing next to one another. Head inside the one on the left and you can find the sixth letter on a table.
All Battlefield 5 Letters in Tirailleur Chapter 2: Egalite
Letter #7: With Open Arms
The first letter in Tirailleur’s second chapter is easy to miss. When the chapter begins, immediately turn around. You should find a path on your left, which you need to follow. Eventually you will arrive at some burning wreckage, and the first letter of the chapter can be seen beside a dead soldier.
Letter #8: Absolutely No Passage
Return back to the start of the mission and continue until you spot the German camp up ahead, with a watchtower on the right-hand side of the road. As you approach, there is a narrow path which leads up the hillside overlooking the camp. Take this path, and at the top you should find the eighth letter on a large crate behind a tree.
Letter #9: I’ve Gone Rogue
After getting through the camp, you’ll reach a huge crash site filled with more German soldiers. As you approach the crash site, cross over to the western side instead of entering the area. The ninth letter is on the ground in this spot, next to a corpse.
Letter #10: Three Lucky Coins
When you pass through the crash site, you’ll rejoin the main force of Tirailleurs. As soon as this section starts, turn around. Behind you is a crate which you can see between two rocks outcrops. The tenth letter is on top of it.
Letter #11: Our Back Garden
As you fight your way through the radar station with the tirailleurs, you will eventually reach the radar dish itself. Behind the dish emplacement is a raised area filled with wooden crates and artillery shells, and the final letter of this chapter is on top of a metal crate here.
All Battlefield 5 Letters in Tirailleur Chapter 3: Fraternite Ou La Mort
Letter #12: Laughed and Loved
Like the other Tirailleur chapters, the first of the Battlefield 5 letters in Fraternite Ou La Mort can be found very quickly at the start of the chapter. When you begin overlooking the vineyards, turn right and you should see a path behind some trees, on the right of the village. Go and follow that path to a makeshift tent where you can find the first letter of the chapter.
Letter #13: Saw Something
The thirteenth letter can be found near to the twelfth letter, in the village. One of the buildings in the village has green shutters on its windows, and is located on the left side of the village as you approach from the spot where you start the chapter. The letter is outside of this building, on a wall beside a heap of firewood.
Letter #14: Which Direction is Home?
After passing through the village, you’ll start moving up the hill towards the chateau. However, instead of heading for checkpoint A, take the road that leads north along the edge of the vineyard. Here, you will come upon a ploughing machine, and the letter on a crate next to it.
Letter #15: Terrible Rumours
Return back down the road from the location of the fourteenth letter. Once again, don’t head up to checkpoint A but make your way south into the trees. Here you can come across a parked truck on a muddy road. The fifteenth letter is on some crates next to it.
Letter #16: It is So Quiet Here
Once you take control of the checkpoint, you head up the road towards the chateau, with a vineyard on your left. As you follow this road, you will see a small house on your left. Go inside and find the sixteenth letter on a desk.
Letter #17: I Am Going Nowhere
The final letter in Tirailleur can be found close to the location of the sixteenth. Leave the house and continue up the road past a red and white striped guard post. Past that checkpoint is another abandoned house. Go inside, and you can find the final letter on the floor beside a window.