A Durr Burger Consumable May Finally be on the Way to Fortnite

Earlier this year, Fortnite players might recall that dataminers found some evidence suggesting that there could be a Durr Burger consumable. While they thought that Epic would add it to the game around that time, nothing ever came of it.

We originally figured that was that, and that a Durr Burger consumable was never going to make it to the game. But now, dataminers have turned up fresh evidence that Epic is back to considering it.

Here is What Dataminers Discovered About a Possible Durr Burger Consumable

@FortTory on Twitter posted the following:

The text reads, “DurrBurgerPickup got updated!” Two images are included:

Dataminers have found a render of a Durr Burger consumable.

Datamining suggests that a Durr Burger consumable may be coming to Fortnite.

As you can see, there is even a render of the possible consumable.

Does this mean that a Durr Burger consumable is finally headed for Fortnite? There are no guarantees, but it seems hopeful. Considering that datamining misled us in this respect at least once before, it seems reasonable to be cautious.

On the other hand, the very fact that we have a brand new leak on this topic shows us that Epic never lost interest in the idea. Perhaps it simply wasn’t the ideal time to introduce the consumable back in Season 4. Let’s hope that this is for real this time.

Looking for more Fortnite news? We have a lot of updates on Season 7 in our Fortnite news section. Stop by to read about new skins such as Ice King, Lynx and Zenith, and check out an amazing video from a Fortnite player who has discovered that the iceberg conceals an entire hidden village.