Bethesda Plans to Finally Add Player Vending to Fallout 76

One of the most requested features for Fallout 76 will be added to the game in an upcoming update, according to Bethesda’s latest blog post. The brief post doesn’t go into much detail, but does list a number of features coming in “future updates,” which are likely to launch in the early months of 2019. One of these features is Fallout 76 player vending.

Bethesda Will Add Fallout 76 Player Vending in a Future Update

Fallout 76 player vending is a feature which has been requested by fans since the start of the game’s BETA. Indeed, it has remained high on many players’ wish-lists ever since. Although players can currently buy and sell items from one another, the system is in need of streamlining. As it stands, the system seems more designed to allow players to casually exchange items than for a player to actually act as an in-game vendor.

Fallout 76 Player Vending Coming Soon

When it was first announced that Fallout 76 would have no human NPCs, many players interested in the role-playing potential of the game had the idea to act as vendors themselves. Indeed, some have done so regardless of the clunky trading mechanics. However, the game is clearly in need of a true vending system. As it happens, Bethesda seems to be aware of this; they evidently have plans to implement proper player vending mechanics in the near future.

It remains to be seen what these player vending mechanics will actually be. Perhaps the ability for players to designate items in their inventory as part of a stock list; allowing other players to easily see a list of items which they’re willing to sell. At present, players can charge others whatever they want; it will be interesting to see whether that remains the case for the vending system, or whether vendors will have to sell items at their listed in-game prices; thus setting apart vending from the existing trading system. Whatever the case, Bethesda is likely to post details of the new mechanics prior to their release.