There is so much content for players across all platforms to do right now in Destiny 2 like completing the Izanami Forge and finding out what Xur is selling this weekend. Of course, there is also a lot of old content for players to complete like bounties and whatnot. This includes Lost Sectors like the Destiny 2 Ancients Haunt location. In this guide, we will show you where to find it.
The Destiny 2 Ancients Haunt is a Lost Sector if you didn’t already know. For those who don’t know, Lost Sectors are hidden areas that hold secrets, enemies to take down, and treasure to find. It’s a good source of loot and tons of enemies for challenges. There is at least one on almost every single major location or planet and more than one in most.
Where to Find Destiny 2 Ancients Haunt Lost Sector
One of those such Lost Sectors is the Destiny 2 Ancients Haunt one. This is but one of several Lost Sectors that you can find throughout the game including on its own planet. If you’re looking for this particular Lost Sector, the first thing you need to do is open up the map Director.
Here, you will want to select Nessus as your destination as that is where the Destiny 2 Ancients Haunt location is. Once you arrive on Nessus, you will need to head to the fast travel point that is located near Artifact’s Edge. You will want to travel northwest to The Tangle area.
The exact location of the Destiny 2 Ancients Haunt Lost Sector is just to the west of The Tangled words on the main map. You can even see the little symbol for this Lost Sector on the map. Head there and the entrance is right nearby. Head inside and you’ll find yourself at your destination.