Where to Find All Loot and Collectibles in God of War’s Volunder Mines

The Volunder Mines are one of many locations scattered around the shores of the Lake of Nine in God of War. Located southeast of Tyr’s Temple, the Mines feature during the Second Hand Soul Favor. However, while you may pass through them during that quest, it’s well worth taking the time to explore them thoroughly. The site contains several hidden caches of loot.

Where to Find Volunder Mines in God of War

Outside Volunder Mines

When you first arrive on the shoreline outside the Volunder Mines, you’ll come upon a Mystic Gateway. Past it are the entrance to the caves. There are corpses lying on either side of this entryway, and you can loot both for Hacksilver. From there, you can head inside to find a Lore Stone and a short path that eventually leads you to Brok. The dwarf vendor will give you the Second Hand Soul Favor, leading you further into the mines.

Inside the next cave, use the Leviathan Axe to smash a red pot. Doing so will reveal a chest which contains soft Svartalfheim steel and World Serpent scale fragments. Once you reach a door which requires you to break three runes to unlock, you can find another chest. After climbing down a chain and battling two Nightmares, a similar chest can be found nearby. The map for the Dead and Bloated hidden treasure is also right next to it. Later on in this area, after you destroy a wooden wall which leads behind the golden rocks, you can find a corpse laden with Hacksilver. After you destroy the “C” rune, you can drop down and turn right to find another chest containing resources.

You Can Loot Several Chests Throughout Volunder Mines

Second Hand Soul Completion Loot

After you defeat the Soul Eater, you can loot the Alchemist Ring and Fire Sigil of Protection. A chest in its arena also contains a runic attack called Fury of the Ice Troll. If you’re completing the Second Hand Soul Favor, then the last bit of loot is the Grip of Volunder (the starting point for God of War’s Infinity Gauntlet easter egg). You are given it by Brok for completing the Favor.