Rainbow Six Siege Year 4 Season 3 Gadget Details Leaked

Rainbow Six Siege’s Operation Phantom Sight may have just launched, but details about the next operation have already leaked. Granted, the leaked details (which correspond to new operator gadgets) naturally can’t be confirmed by Ubisoft at this time. However, if they’re legit, they could shake up the current operator meta in some fun new ways.

Rainbow Six Siege Year 4 Season 3 Operator Gadget Leaks

Rainbow Six Siege Year 4 Season 3 gadget leaks

The leaked information comes courtesy of the ResetEra gaming forums (Thanks, PC Gamer). Specifically, a user named Kormora (who’s proven they can provide reliable information in the past) shared details regarding upcoming gadgets.

According to the anonymous source who spoke with Kormora, Ubisoft has already locked in the Year 4 Season 3 gadgets. As with previous updates, Rainbow Six Siege’s Year 4 Season 3 will include one new attacker and one new defender. The new attacker will reportedly utilize some sort of grappling hook device. This device will allow them to quickly scale walls and breach windows and hatches. This lines up with earlier leaks from back in April so it’s hard to refute the information at this point.

The new Year 4 Season 3 defender’s gadget is where things get interesting. The new defender can reportedly deploy a shield with a canister attached to it. When the canister is triggered, it explodes in a gout of fire that covers the surrounding area. This essentially gives the defender the same remote denial capabilities as Smoke since the canister can be triggered manually. It’s not clear whether the defender can move with the shield (like Blitz or Montagne), or if it remains rooted.

Lastly, Kormora’s leak also points to an upcoming mid-season event for Rainbow Six Siege. The event will apparently be part of Operation Phantom Sight and will have a unique theme. The event is Ubisoft’s way of making up for season 1’s lack of continuous content.

Rainbow Six Siege’s Operation Phantom Sight is live as of this writing. Ubisoft also recently spoke about why Siege will likely never get a sequel.