Sony Hasn’t Scheduled a Press Conference for Tokyo Game Show

Remember how startling it was when Sony announced it would skip this year’s E3? Well, Sony will not be skipping the Tokyo Game Show, thankfully. But it will be skipping its regularly scheduled press conference at the show. The company recently announced what it has for store for fans during the convention, and this year things are going to be different from what we’ve come to expect in the past.

What to Expect from Sony During Tokyo Game Show 2019

Sony posted an announcement on its Japanese regional website for its Tokyo Game Show 2019 booth. Reminding fans that the event takes place from Thursday, September 12th through Sunday, September 15th, Sony states that it will be showcasing demo play for new games at its booth in Makuhari Messe Exhibition Hall 5.

On its blog, Sony revealed additional details. Games that Sony will feature at the booth will include the Final Fantasy VII Remake, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Nio 2, and Death Stranding. Sony writes the following (translated):

“There will also be a theater where you can try out (SIE) and enjoy beautiful game images of “DEATH STRANDING” (SIE) on a large screen. In addition, a special match of “Call of Duty Modern Warfare” will be held at e-Sports X BLUE STAGE Presented by PS4® on Saturday 14 September .”

Additionally, there will be a couple of virtual reality games to check out at the booth. These include Marvel Iron Man and Space Channel 5 VR Arakata Dancing Show. Although there will be no press conference, Sony will also host a demo play event called PlayStation® presents LIVE SHOW“ TGS2019.

If we find out more about what to expect from Sony during this year’s Tokyo Game Show, we will let you know in our PlayStation news section. You can also check back later in the month to find out if there is any exciting news from the convention.