Right now, we’re facing a global climate crisis. Frankly, it is one that would be a lot less frightening if it were part of the plot for a video game, not real life. To do its part to protect the planet, Sony has joined forces with some other companies in the industry to participate in an initiative called “Playing for the Planet.” As part of its efforts to protect the environment, Sony will be making the PS5 more energy-efficient.
How the PS5 Will Be More Energy-Efficient
Sony President & CEO Jim Ryan posted a blog wherein he revealed that he will be partnering with other gaming industry leaders through Playing for the Planet, and that they will all be making “formal commitments” at the upcoming UN Climate Summit.
He discusses how the PS4 conserves energy through the use of “efficient technologies such as System-on-a-Chip architecture integrating a high-performance graphics processor, die shrink, power scaling, as well as energy saving modes such as Suspend-to-RAM,” estimating that this has reduced carbon emissions versus what they might have been otherwise by around 16 million metric tons.
Moving on to discussing the PlayStation 5, he states, “I am also very pleased to announce the next generation PlayStation console will include the possibility to suspend gameplay with much lower power consumption than PS4 (which we estimate can be achieved at around 0.5 W). If just one million users enable this feature, it would save equivalent to the average electricity use of 1,000 US homes.”
He goes on to mention some other ways that Sony intends to conserve power as well and help educate the public about sustainability.
This year, the UN published a warning that we only have 11 years in which to prevent climate change from becoming irreversible. So, it is good to hear that Sony intends to do its part to reduce carbon emissions with the PlayStation 5 and other aspects of the company’s operations going forward. But this should also serve as a reminder to the rest of us that each of us needs to do our part individually to stop climate change before it is too late.
So, ask yourself what you can do to improve your home’s energy efficiency and consume less power with your everyday habits. To keep up with other developments regarding the PS5, check our PlayStation news section.