Gears 5: Everything We Know So Far About The Skiff

The Gears 5 announcement at E3 2018 came with a trailer in which we got a glimpse of a wind-powered skiff used by Kait to travel over a frozen lake. Here’s everything we know so far about the new skiff added to the fifth Gears of War installment.

First of all, it will be some kind of teleportation device, taking you from one place to another, making it easier to travel across the big new environments added to the game. Studio Head Rod Fergusson said that it is something that will be used a lot in the game, especially in places where there are major storms and wind.

It is clear in the trailer that Gears 5 will be filled with many different kinds of environments since we watched Kait passing by jungles, lakes and waterfalls. The skiff we saw her using to travel across a frozen lake will not be used to just do that. Fergusson said specifically:

“It’s not like… we used to have the tank in Gears 2 and that kind of stuff, it’s not meant to be just driving down a hallway essentially”.

Knowing that they are planning to make the Gears 5 world bigger than any previous Gears of War game worlds, the skiff seems essential for travelling through this big world, which means we may spend a lot of time going back and forth between destinations. While referring to making Gears 5 world more open than it was previously, Fergusson said:

“The thing about the skiff is that we’re trying to open up the world and give you more choices of what you can do”.

This could easily mean that there might be reasons for our character to go from one place to another, which would be tiring without some kind of means of transport. Furthermore, a skiff looking that big and awesome is a very good choice and it seems legit to use it only in places where there is wind or storms. In addition, Fergusson mentioned that there will be more places where you could use the skiff, saying:

“Wind is kind of our thing. We wanted to have a wind-powered vehicle that can go across different types of environments. You can take that skiff to go across the desert, you will be able to take that skiff across the tundra, so there’s a lot of places you can go”.

The skiff as well as Gears 5 so far sound very interesting. In addition, making Gears’ world more open and bigger will be one of the best new features Gears 5 is going to offer after its release.