On Monday, March 2, EA revealed their Madden 20 NFL Combine Part 2 players. The second group includes another Combine star Denzel Ward, who gamers need as part of a set to get the Deion Sanders Combine Master. In addition, there are a number of lower-rated NFL Combine player cards available. Here are the details on who’s available and where to find them.
Denzel Ward, John Ross player cards headline new Madden 20 NFL Combine Part 2 players
With the second group of Madden 20 NFL Combine players comes a number of new high-rated player cards. For the limited-availability card in terms of packs, gamers can now pick up John Ross. The Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver has a 97 overall rating along with 99 Speed, 99 Deep Route Run, 91 Catching, 91 Short Route Run, 90 Jumping, and 90 Spectacular Catch. Ross is in packs until March 4 at 10 a.m. Eastern Time.
The new Combine Star is Denzel Ward with a 96 overall rating. Gamers need Ward as part of the set to get Deion Sanders Combine Master that we revealed in the first part of the promo. To get Ward requires putting together a set featuring any seven 85-87 OVR Combine Standout Players and any four 89-93 OVR Combine Standout Players.
In addition to Ward, there’s a new 93 overall Montez Sweat for right outside linebacker. Lower-rated player cards include 91 OVR Quinnen Williams (DT), 89 OVR Chidobe Awuzie (CB), and 87 OVR Darron Lee (MLB).
In an additional note, since Quinnen Williams is part of the second Madden 20 NFL Combine group, his Rookie Premiere card is also upgraded.
Gamers can find the new player cards above through the Madden 20 Store packs and offers. In addition, there is the Auction House to bid on or “buy now” the specific player cards, including Ward.
There will be one more part for the promotion coming up where players can get the third and final Combine Star needed to get that Deion Sanders Combine Master, so stay tuned.
Visit the MUTHEAD page for more detailed stats on all player cards.
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