Demolition Returns in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 3

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 3 continues to deliver new content, and the latest new addition is that of Demolition; another classic of the franchise returning for the first time since the launch of Modern Warfare. Focused around planting or defusing bombs, Demolition is fast-paced and more than a little explosive.

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Demolition Game Mode

“Demolition is a respawn enabled round-based objective mode,” explains Activision; “Teams alternate between attacking and defending two bomb sites, similar to Search & Destroy. Unlike Search & Destroy, attacking players always spawn with a bomb and defuses don’t end the round. This leads to constant pressure and fights around both bomb sites.”

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Demolition Mode Added

If you want to win a Demolition match, you’ll need to do one of two things. If you’re attacking, you need to destroy both bomb sites before the timer runs out. Be aware that destroying the first bomb site does add some time to the clock! If you’re defending, however, you simply need to ensure that at least one bomb site remains secure until time runs out. As the timer pauses whenever a bomb is planted, defenders will need to prioritise defusing it. The first team to win two rounds in Demolition wins the match.

If both teams win a single round, the third round takes place in Overtime. This Overtime mode changes the game to have a single bomb site and both teams must compete as opposing attackers. Not only that, but every player on both teams spawns with a bomb! Only one detonation is required to win, so expect Demolition Overtime to be a mad rush for the site.

Prior to Overtime, players need to work together with their team to protect bomb carriers, and also protect bombs once they’ve been planted. The Defenders need to react quickly to defuse any bombs, bearing in mind that those bombs will likely be defended. Killstreaks can be well-timed to clear out bomb sites, making them useful for both teams, as can a few grenades. Similarly, smoke and other such methods can be useful for obscuring a planted bomb and making it more difficult to defuse safely.