Ni No Kuni 2 is known for two things. Its beautiful, Ghibli-esque art style, and the fact the game itself is far too easy. As much as we may love the vibrant world and all its delightful characters, one of the main criticisms that critics had that the combat felt far too easy and thus left some players feeling unsatisfied. We can understand why, especially as the game hinges on combat a lot of the time. Thankfully, the Ni No Kuni 2 1.03 update plans to add some well-needed difficulty modes.
According to publisher Bandai Namco and developer Level-5, this new update will give the option to make the game harder if players so choose to take that route. Nonetheless, there were some other features added too. You can read about the changes below.
Patch Update 1.03
- New difficulty modes added: Hard and Expert. You can choose how hard you want your challenge to be when you select “New Game” from the title screen, or by entering the in-game options menu at any time. Three difficulty levels are available: Normal, Hard, and Expert. The higher the setting, the harder the battles will be, but this will be offset by rarer treasures from monsters, from the chests in the Faraway Forest, and certain other places. You’ll also be able to access the true potential of accessories, with monsters occasionally dropping ones with two skills! (This won’t affect any you already own.)
- Maximum quality level of equipment drops expanded (in Hard or higher).
- Chances of rare item drops increased (in Hard or higher).
- New equipment skills added.
- Rare accessories with second skill slot added.
- Various other game balance issues and minor bugs have also been addressed.
- A bug that allowed the airship to land in places where it should not be able to land has been fixed.
- Steam version only: A bug that made the player unable to control the camera at specific screen resolutions has been fixed.
If you’ve not tried Ni No Kuni 2 out for yourselves, this is a perfect opportunity to delve deep into this JRPG’s wonderful world.