Scalpers on eBay Have Made $43 Million Selling PS5s and Other Recent Tech

While you are sitting here not playing a PS5, here is a jaw-dropping statistic that will make you feel just awesome (note the dripping sarcasm). Apparently, scalpers on eBay have made $43 million selling PlayStation 5 consoles, PC CPUs, and other recent tech products. Where does this staggering statistic come from? Let’s take a closer look.

Scalpers on eBay Have Made $43 Million on PS5 Consoles and More

The statistic about the eBay scalpers surfaced in this report from PC Magazine. The report explains, “The estimate comes from a Chicago data engineer named Michael Driscoll, who created a computer script to track eBay sales and plot them on a graph. On Monday, he told PCMag the findings show scalpers have made an estimated $92 million in sales and $43.7 million in profit since September by hawking 14 different products, including AMD’s Ryzen 5000 CPUs.”

The report includes some more specific data on PlayStation 5 scalper sales. On eBay alone, scalpers have apparently sold an estimated 32,000 PS5s. The median price for the digital version is $937, and the median price for the full version is $1,021.

As for Xbox Series X and S consoles, eBay scalpers have managed to move 30,000 or so of those. On average, the price for the Series S has been $469, and for the Xbox Series X, it has been $865.

Folks, we can only ask you all not to encourage this kind of thing. How can you do that? Simple. Just don’t buy a console from a scalper. Wait until it is available through a trusted, reputable retailer at a fair price.                                                

In related news, Amazon has been replacing PS5s for buyers who ended up with other items that they did not order instead of a next gen console. You also might be interested in this viral story about a PS5 buyer who was able to snag an awesome deal on a PS5 secondhand thanks to the seller’s marital problems. Find other PS5 updates in our PlayStation news.