Destiny 2: Dates for Upcoming Iron Banner and Final Season Three Faction Rally Revealed

In its latest This Week at Bungie blog post, Destiny 2 developer Bungie has revealed the dates for several upcoming events both in-game and otherwise, among them the next Iron Banner, the final Faction Rally of season three, and the summer-themed Solstice of Heroes event.

As you can see in the below graphic, there’s a lot for Destiny 2 fans to look forward to throughout the month of July. In response to fan feedback, Bungie constructed the graphic to give players a better sense of when exactly upcoming events will begin so that they have more time to prepare. Starting next Tuesday, July 3, the winner’s week for the currently ongoing Faction Rally event will begin, with Future War Cult being touted as the most likely winner. Along with the winner’s week, Crucible fans can take part in the Mayhem featured playlist if chaotic, crazy action is more their speed. Finally, Saturday, July 7 is ‘Bungie Day,’ and there’s a good chance that Bungie will be offering some sort of in-game Destiny 2 bonus to commemorate the occasion.

July will be a solid month for Destiny 2 players.

A week after all that, the next Iron Banner event will kick off on Tuesday, July 10, and this year’s annual GuardianCon will be held from July 13-14. Tuesday, July 17 will be another big day for Destiny 2 fans as it will see the launch of the game’s massive 1.2.3 update, the beginning of the final season three Faction Rally, and the Supremacy PvP mode as the weekly featured Crucible playlist. Among other things, the 1.2.3 update will finally re-enable direct armor purchases from seasonal vendors, correcting one of the bigger longstanding issues players have been having with seasonal events as a whole.

July will close out with the final Faction Rally winner’s week and a Doubles playlist for the Crucible from July 24-30, and then on July 31 the Solstice of Heroes event will begin. We don’t yet know exactly what the Solstice of Heroes event will offer, but Bungie is expected to provide further clarification within the next few weeks. For more on Destiny 2, be sure to read about the recent API update which revealed a series of new exotic weapon catalysts as well as yet another potential upcoming event: Armsweek.