Since the announcement of Fallout 76 at E3, Bethesda has been clarifying numerous parts of Fallout 76’s multiplayer features; in an effort to reassure fans who are skeptical, to say the least. Speaking in a recent interview, director Todd Howard revealed two new features that will be a part of Fallout 76. They concern travel around the map and low-level players in PvP.
Fast Travel in Fallout 76
Todd Howard made these latest comments during an interview with His first clarification concerned fast travel in Fallout 76. He stated that it would appear in the game, and seemingly unchanged from previous Fallout titles. While that isn’t necessarily surprising, it did seem likely that the Fallout 76 multiplayer changes could impact fast travel. It’s unknown if cooperative players can fast travel together or anything of that sort.
Fallout 76 Multiplayer and Low-Level Protection
The second clarification made by Howard can be added to the list of reassurances from Bethesda that competitive PvP gameplay will be strictly controlled. During the interview, Todd Howard stated that other players won’t be able to kill you until you reach level 5. Given that Fallout 76’s PvP combat was previously stated to be a challenge-based system; players under level 5 may simply be unable to issue or accept challenges. Thanks to this system, you can rest easy; you won’t have to worry about being sniped or obliterated by a Fat Man out of the blue, at any level. Players can opt-out or in of PvP combat at any point. Nevertheless, it’s good to know that new players will still receive some additional protections.
Howard did state that this feature could change before release. In all likelihood, many of the multiplayer control systems could be subject to change as a result of the planned public beta. It seems likely that it will focus on testing multiplayer more than anything else.