If you’ve captured some particularly awesome moments in Fortnite, only to be met with the frustrating realization that the replay you saved of said moment is corrupted. That happens more often than it needs to, and Epic Games is working to help fix that annoying problem so your replays can finally be safe.
Epic Games had previously added the replay tool to help players capture their sickest moments a few weeks ago with patch v3.5. It was created to offer YouTubers and streamers better ways to incorporate more cinematic camera features and a way for hardcore players to go back in their game history and have a look at their previous game matches. Unfortunately, this was a road to ruin as users begin seeing that replays began corrupting as you could not access them after a new update would hit.
When new updates have been uploaded to Fortnite, it’s been ensuring that some players no longer have access to their old replays, an issue epic themselves have told players to “keep in mind” that some of their replays may indeed by unreadable when a new update hits.
Epic is aware of the problem and is currently working on a fix that makes sense and helps preserve the cinematic options for players, but for now if you’re interested in saving your best plays, you may simply want to use a capture card or something like the share button on your PlayStation 4 to make sure your coolest moments are immortalized. Hopefully there’s some sort of resolution that doesn’t involve you having to utilize a third-party tool outside of Fortnite simply to put your coolest plays in your virtual clip archive forever.