Analyzing The Meaningful DOOM Baby Fetus Mod

The new DOOM Baby Fetus mod is a lot different from the other DOOM mods that have been released from time to time. It has a purpose and a message to pass to anyone who will try it out. Its popularity began with the marches people in Argentina are doing to prevent the legalization of abortions. The mod is cruel but serves its goal.

Because of the legislation to legalize abortion on demand in Argentina, people are protesting to prevent it. The creator of the DOOM Fetito mod complained as well, but with a unique way. She brought a baby fetus to the movement, inspired by her own video game.

Doom Fetito is a DOOM mod a little bit different from the other mods of the original game. The player is a mother who has to decide on whether to keep her baby or make an abortion instead. Of course, the enemies are no longer monsters and demons like the original DOOM. Players have to fight Catholic priests, Nazi-like police, and pro-life women before battling the final boss, which is an unborn child.

After players defeat that “evil” child, the game displays the following message:

“You defeated fetito! Give this misoprostol to those in need so they might defeat it, too!”

Misoprostol is the drug used to induce abortion. The message has its purpose and meaning as well. In Argentina, this drug will become easily accessible in pharmacies for mothers who choose to do an abortion. Moreover, the medication does not help people in real life but hurts them instead. By defeating the fetito, you are accepting the whole situation.

Doom Fetito is the most essential DOOM mod that has ever been made. Its message is clear and can easily help people sympathize with the situation in Argentina. Let’s hope for more meaningful mods like this in the future.