A newly-discovered Apex Legends bug has been circulating online recently due to the sheer absurdity of its effect. The bug, which is surprisingly simple to activate, can send players soaring through the air and far across the in-game map. As a result, players have been sharing clips of footage showing their spectacular leaps and the invariable consequences.
The New Apex Legends Bug Which Turns Supply Crates Into Jump Pads
While there is definitely some potential for using this new Apex Legends bug to gain an advantage, it’s relatively tame as far as bugs go. Indeed, it’s far less concerning than the recent (and thankfully quickly-patched) bug which seemingly deleted players’ in-game progress! The new bug concerns the game’s supply crates, and it’s unknown if it has been in the game since launch, or whether it’s the result of a change made in a recent patch. It’s certainly possible that nobody had discovered the bug until now.

To activate the bug, all players need to do is find one of the game’s supply crates. Open the crate, if it isn’t open already, and then strike the lid from below with a melee attack. With that done, simply stand on the lid and jump. If you do it right, you’ll be sent flying across the map like an arrow from a bow. The bug is notably similar to Octane’s bounce pad ability. In fact, it seems that the two effects will actually stack if used in concert.
Videos of the strange new bug have been shared widely online, especially on Reddit, in the last few days. Some show the sheer potential power of the bug; one video from BottlecapXbox shows a player being hurled out of the map area, for instance… Although you can’t exactly control your trajectory when jumping, Redditor 10EXP managed to land on a golden loot tick, by sheer coincidence. Redditor BROWNYBOY__YT even used the glitch to trick his friends into leaping out to sea.