If you have been wondering how the Apex Legends Damage Per Match (DPM) stats compare for the different Legends, now you can find out. Team building platform DreamTeam recently compiled some statistics which you can check out.
Here Are the Apex Legends Damage Per Match (DPM) Stats
- According to DreamTeam, here are the DPM stats for the Legends:
- Pathfinder: 491.01
- Wraith: 482.96
- Lifeline: 472.77
- Gibraltar: 466.48
- Loba: 459.60
- Bangalore: 451.30
- Caustic: 444.82
- Octane: 431.82
- Wattson: 425.55
- Crypto:418.35
- Mirage:412.05
- Revenant: 407.93
- Bloodhound: 393.10
As you can see, Pathfinder, Wraith, Lifeline and Gibraltar rank the highest, in that order. Lagging behind are Crypto, Mirage, Revenant and Bloodhound. Bloodhound’s stat falls under 400 DPM—ouch. Even Revenant is just above 400.
DreamTeam also compiled the stats for Kills Per Match (KPM). Check out the numbers:
- Lifeline: 1.60
- Pathfinder: 1.58
- Wraith: 1.54
- Loba: 1.46
- Bangalore: 1.42
- Octane : 1.40
- Gibraltar: 1.39
- Mirage : 1.36
- Caustic: 1.33
- Revenant: 1.28
- Wattson: 1.25
- Crypto: 1.17
- Bloodhound: 1.12
In terms of Kills Per Match, Lifeline, Pathfinder and Wraith are still in the lead, but Lifeline beats out Pathfinder by a narrow margin. Wraith once again is positioned just behind Pathfinder. Loba comes in fourth, whereas Gibraltar is ranked below Loba, Bangalore and Octane. Mirage fares a bit better with KPM than DPM, beating out Caustic, Revenant, Wattson, Crypto and Bloodhound.

So, that gives you some quantitative data which maybe backs up what you already might have suspected about how these Legends rank. As for Crypto, a Respawn developer recently mentioned that the team is talking about giving him some buffs. So, hopefully he’ll be a little more competitive soon.
Check back in again with us soon for further news about Crypto and everything else related to Apex Legends. According to leaks, the bunkers will open soon. Additionally, Respawn has announced the Apex Legends Pathfinder Edition.