Whenever there is an update in Apex Legends, it shifts the balance of power between different Legends and weapons. While there is usually an attempt to keep things relatively balanced, it is common to end up with overpowered weapons and Legends. This may irritate you at times, especially if the character you main comes out underpowered. But why does it happen? Apex Legends developer Jason McCord has just shed some light.
Why Are There Overpowered Weapons and Legends in Apex Legends?
Jason McCord made the following tweets to explain:
The text of the first tweet reads, “The way I see it, a live game needs to push power around to make each season feel different. Ideally all Legends are balanced but that’s very hard while still keeping them interesting. So we do our best to buff/nerf legends and that naturally shifts the meta and I think that’s ok.”
The text of the second tweet reads, “Weapons are not made to be balanced equally, but that doesn’t mean some dont get overpowered when we try to push power around to change the meta. We appreciate people posting suggestions when they think something is unfair. It helps in our decisions.”
McCord’s explanation is insightful, and makes a lot of sense. Is it the best way to do things? Maybe, maybe not. But it is good to know that the team considers your feedback. It is also nice to see some transparency on balancing issues. Overpowered weapons and Legends may be annoying at times, but there is no denying that the regular changes do help to spice up gameplay.
Speaking of balancing issues, Crypto mains will be happy to hear that some buffs are apparently on the way. Crypto’s DPM is pretty low compared to a lot of the other Legends, so this is great news. Catch up on all of the latest Apex Legends news.