There is so much content and hype for players to enjoy right now surrounding Apex Legends from finding out the best tier list of all the characters as well as the best weapons in the game. Of course, not all characters are available from the start. One such character is Apex Legends Mirage. You will need to unlock him in order to use him on your squad.
In this Apex Legends guide, we are going to go over everything you need to know about Apex Legends Mirage. Is it worth unlocking him? If so, how do you do it? These are the questions we are going to answer for you and more in this guide to unlocking the character. Without further ado, let’s jump right in and get started.
How to Unlock Apex Legends Mirage
There are eight characters in total currently available in Apex Legends. Surprisingly enough, six of the eight are free to everyone right now. This is surprising because there are only three members per squad so Respawn could have certainly locked more of them if it wanted. But alas, one of the two unlockable characters is Mirage.
First and foremost, it is absolutely worth unlocking Apex Legends Mirage. He is one of the best characters currently due to his cloak and decoy abilities that will surprise any player right now. Over time, that could change, though. But if you’re picking between him and the other unlockable character, pick him for sure.
Now, here’s how to unlock Apex Legends Mirage. You will want to tab all the way over in the lobby to the store. Once in the store, you will want to tab all the way over to characters. There, you have two options for unlocking Mirage. You can pay real money for the yellow coins or save up the red currency in-game to purchase him. With a little patience, you can unlock him in-game easily.