Apex Legends Players Think Pathfinder and Wraith are Overpowered

A recent community-conducted Apex Legends player survey has found that, of all of the Legends currently available to play, a majority of players feel that Pathfinder, Wraith, and Gibraltar are in need of a nerf. The survey, which was undertaken on the EA Forums and Apex Legends subreddit, gathered the views of 1,936 different players. On the other end of the spectrum, most players think that Mirage is the weakest Legend, followed by Bloodhound.

Results of the Recent Apex Legends Player Survey

The recent Apex Legends player survey had players rank the game’s Legends based on how well they were performing in Season 3. The majority of respondents, a sizable 77%, felt that Pathfinder was too overpowered. Meanwhile, 72% felt that Wraith’s hitbox was too advantageous, and that she also needed nerfing. Gibraltar was the third most overpowered Legend according to respondents. On the whole, those were the only three who received a negative response from players.

Apex Legends Player Survey Cites Pathfinder and Wraith as OP 2

In the middle of the pack, most players feel that Bangalore and Lifeline’s balance is currently good. Indeed, 83% and 85%, respectively, were happy with their current abilities. However, at the underpowered end of the spectrum, most players named Mirage as the weakest Legend. In fact, a whopping 91% of players believe that his passive ability is in need of a buff. After Mirage, Bloodhound was in second place for the Legend whom players think most needs buffing. While Crypto, Octane, and Wattson were also named as characters in need of slight buffing, they weren’t named as frequently as the other two. You can see the full breakdown of results from the Apex Legends player survey on Reddit.

Ultimately, this player survey was unofficial, and Respawn have yet to issue any sort of statement about it. As such, it’s possible that it may go largely unnoticed. Hopefully, however, the studio does see it and take some note for their next balancing patch. After all, Apex Legends recently won Best Multiplayer at the Golden Joysticks 2019, and with stiff competition from other titles, balancing should be a primary concern for the developers.