Earlier today, ahead of the start of E3, EA held their major EA Play event. As had been promised by Respawn earlier this year, that event also saw the release of the first official trailer for Apex Legends Season 2 “Battle Charge”; the next major content release phase for the battle royale game. Although very short, the trailer did tease a new Legend and some much stranger things to come. The presentation then delved further into what Season 2 will be bringing to the game. Best of all, the studio revealed the release date; Season 2 will begin on the 2nd of July.
The Apex Legends Season 2 Trailer
Livestreamed as part of the EA Play event today, Respawn debuted the first look at Apex Legends Season 2. Fans knew that this reveal was coming – after all, the studio told them as much two months ago. At the time, Drew McCoy, the game’s Executive Producer, released a statement laying out the studio’s plans for Apex Legends. These detailed bugs they were focused on addressing, and an explanation for why the studio wasn’t racing to try and release new content. Towards the end of his statement, McCoy told fans that they could expect to see Season 2 at EA Play.
The Season 2 reveal included a look at the new Legendary Hunt event, a brief trailer, a separate trailer for Wattson, the upcoming new Legend, and much more information. The season is also bringing a new weapon, the L-Star, a weapon which was actually revealed through datamining several months ago.

Alongside the L-Star, the game is getting Wattson; a new Legend with a focus on defence who can set down electrified fencing. Together with their other abilities, this allows a team with Wattson on it to establish heavily defended bulwarks to fend off enemies from. The character’s ultimate is a pylon which charges friendly shields, allows her to build fencing faster, and more.