The launch of Apex Legends Season 7 “Ascension” is now one week away, and today, Respawn released the official launch trailer, giving fans their first proper look at Horizon, the new Olympus map, and the Trident; Apex Legends’ first-ever pilotable vehicle.
Apex Legends Season 7 Coming Next Week
Apex Legends Season 7 is due to officially launch next week on the 4th of November. Early details for the new content coming in Season 7 have only been available in the last couple of days, following the release of Horizon’s episode of Stories From the Outlands. From that, fans learned that Horizon would be the next Legend, but not much about her style of play. Additionally, the episode featured only a single glimpse of Olympus, the new map, and nothing of the Trident. Today’s launch trailer, on the other hand, offered a more detailed look at all three.
Of the three headline features coming in Season 7, it was perhaps Olympus which received the most attention in today’s trailer. The new map will be the third to ever come to Apex Legends (not counting nighttime variants, of course). Additionally, it could also prove to be the game’s largest, necessitating the addition of the Trident. This new vehicle also received plenty of attention in the trailer, demonstrating that it will be something which players can drive manually. (As opposed to an automatic tramcar or other such vehicle.) The Trident will be able to transport an entire squad, helping them to move quickly around Olympus.

The launch trailer also offered a glimpse of Horizon’s special abilities. No doubt Respawn will release a more detailed in-game breakdown of the new Legend’s abilities closer to the launch date, but today’s trailer did drop some key tidbits. For instance, one of her abilities appears to be a deployable device which launches enemy players into the air; rendering them exposed to her gunfire. Her ultimate, meanwhile, appears to be some form of black hole. In the trailer, it seemed to pull a group of enemies together so that they could be killed by a grenade; a strategy which may actually be possible in-game. For now, fans will have to wait for Respawn to release more comprehensive information.