Mayhem, the 8th season of Apex Legends, is now live as of today – the 2nd of February. Bringing with it a new Legend, a new weapon, and major map changes for King’s Canyon, Season 8 also includes some less obvious but just as significant meta updates, such as hitbox alterations for Wraith.
What’s New in Apex Legends Season 8
The headline feature of Apex Legends Season 8 is, of course, Walter “Fuse” Fitzroy. The latest new Legend to join the game’s roster, Fuse offers an explosive and relatively long-range style of play. Not only can he carry more grenades than any other Legend, but his prosthetic arm allows him to fire those grenades much further and with greater precision. Plus, he brings with him a cluster munitions launcher and an incendiary mortar which devastates its target area with explosive bombs.

Alongside Fuse, Season 8 also includes the 30-30 Repeater, a new rifle, as well as Obliterated Kings Canyon. This major rework of Kings Canyon has added several new areas to the map, while others have been changed. The new Crash Site has appeared in an area which was previously unplayable, effectively expanding the overall map size. New loot containers are also scattered around the map, although players will need to use explosives to break them open. In fact, Season 8 also adds a new type of loot to the game; Golden Magazines. Featuring the same capacity as purple magazines, gold magazines will cause your stowed weapons to reload automatically.
Launching alongside the new Season is a major patch, including both meta and quality-of-life changes. Players will now see a damage counter on the HUD, for example, and will be able to let their teammates know when they’re hurting for ammo. Wraith, meanwhile, has had some big hitbox adjustments which should make her a little easier to hit. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Rampart has had a big buff to both her turret and walls. The meta update goes on to tweak more than half a dozen other Legends, not to mention a range of weapons.