Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the biggest titles at E3 this year. The debut of the game’s story trailer was among the most anticipated and most-talked-about events during the 2018 convention. Behind closed doors, however, CD Projekt Red revealed a lot more to a handful of journalists than what they revealed to fans; a fifty-minute gameplay demo which showcased much of how the upcoming RPG will play.
Leaked Audio From the E3 Gameplay Demo
Although fans might not be able to see any gameplay from Cyberpunk 2077 for some time, an audio recording of the journalist-only event has been leaked online. The leaked recording, divided into two parts, was posted on the website of the voice recording service Vocaroo. You can listen to part one here, and part two here. Although the two recordings aren’t exactly great quality, you can hear a representative of CD Projekt Red explaining the events which are playing out in the demo. All in all, it doesn’t give fans much to go on; it seems that everyone will have to be patient until the studio is ready to reveal a public gameplay demonstration or trailer.
Most of the opinions coming from journalists who attended the private demo were strikingly positive. Indeed, many details about Cyberpunk’s gameplay emerged from coverage of that event, such as the game playing in first-person, and details about the game’s cybernetic HUD options. Thus far, CD Projekt Red has not announced an actual release date for Cyberpunk 2077. However, when explaining the five-year gap between the game’s announcement trailer and the new story trailer; a representative of the studio stated that they hadn’t wanted to reveal anything before they were relatively close to release. Whether that means six months, or a year, or more, is unclear. However, fans will likely need to be patient. Given that gameplay was only shown to a handful of journalists; it seems likely that Cyberpunk is much more than a few months away from being ready for release.