Months since the launch of Battlefield 5, EA and DICE are finally implementing Battlefield Currency; the second of the game’s two micro-transaction currencies. Unlike Company Coin, the Battlefield 5 Currency can be bought with real money. However, DICE is stressing that it can only be used to buy cosmetic items.
Battlefield 5 Currency and What it Can Be Used For
Battlefield Currency was announced alongside Company Coin shortly after the launch of Battlefield 5. However, DICE did not specify exactly when it would be added to the game. While Company Coin can be spent on new weapons, vehicles, skills, and so on, there is no way to buy this with real money. It can only be earned in-game. Battlefield Currency can be bought, but can only be used to buy cosmetic items. When it was first announced, DICE pledged; “You will never be able to use Battlefield Currency or spend real-world money to get anything that gives you an unfair gameplay advantage.”

Now, with Battlefield Currency coming tomorrow, DICE has reiterated that position. However, they have also announced two new things which will be purchasable with Battlefield Currency. Neither will launch tomorrow, and will instead be coming at a later date. The first are “Elites”. According to DICE, an “Elites” will be unique characters with their own names and backgrounds, available to play in multiplayer. They will include special cosmetic items, unique voice lines, a unique Best Squad animation, and a single exclusive Special Assignment that will unlock a “signature melee weapon”. While there’s clearly a lot attached to each Elite, DICE has reassured fans that they will offer no gameplay advantage.
The second new thing are “Time Savers”. Due to launch later this spring, there will be two types of time saver; “Tier Catch-Ups and XP Boosts”. Tier Catch Ups will allow players to unlock Chapter Reward items for past chapters which they may have missed, while XP Boosts are self-explanatory; they will give players a boost to their XP as they play, helping them to advance their Career, Chapter, Class, Weapon, and Vehicle Ranks. DICE will likely release more detailed information for Elites and Time Savers closer to their release.
How to Buy Battlefield Currency
Players will be able to purchase Battlefield Currency from the ‘My Company’ and ‘Armoury’ sections of the menu, as well as on any featured offer in the menus. This will prompt players with a ‘Get Battlefield Currency’ option. Several different quantities of currency will be available. The Currency will also be available in first-party stores for each platform.

In addition, DICE is launching several new bundles which can be bought with real money. Two will be available from tomorrow; the Starter Pack and Premium Starter Pack. According to DICE, the purpose of these packs is to help new players get a head start.
The Battlefield 5 Starter Pack
The Starter Pack will contain 500 Battlefield Currency, the “Glacial” Rare Face Paint, and the “Night Owl” Rare Weapon Skin for the Sturmgewehr 1-5, Sten Gun, KE7, and Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk I.
The Battlefield 5 Premium Starter Pack
A much larger pack, the Premium Starter Pack contains 3,500 Battlefield Currency. It also contains two outfits; the “Demolisher” Epic Axis Soldier Outfit, and the “Cool Hand Duke” Epic Allied Soldier Outfit. Additionally, purchasers will get the “Icefire” and “Skorpion” Rare Vehicle Skins, for the Spitfire Mk VA and Panzer IV, respectively. Finally, the pack contains the “Chromed Finish” Rare Weapon Skin for the Sturmgewehr 1-5, Sten Gun, KE7, and Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk I.