Battlefield 5 Chapter 6, Into the Jungle, will be launching in a few days time and bringing a new stage to the ongoing Pacific Theatre conflict. Among the new additions in Chapter 6, DICE is also trying something different with their established formula; specifically, they plan to provide a new Battlefield 5 Elite as a Chapter Reward instead of as a paid cosmetic bundle.
Battlefield 5 Elite: Misaki Yamashiro
Misaki Yamashiro is the first of three Battlefield 5 Elites who will be available when Chapter 6 launches this week. The other two, Steve Fisher and Akira Sakamoto, will be launching later during the Chapter. While the other two will be available in the normal way, Yamashiro will be available as a Chapter Reward. Anybody who reaches Chapter Rank 40 by the end of Chapter 6 will unlock her, without the need to pay any sort of in-game cost in the Armoury.
Like every other Battlefield 5 Elite, Yamashiro features a bundle of cosmetic options. These include a unique appearance, of course, as well as voice lines and a unique melee weapon. In her case, that weapon is the Commando Machete, which she can be seen using in her new trailer. These are all available to use in both standard multiplayer and Firestorm, though in multiplayer they are only usable when playing as the Japanese.

In addition to Yamashiro, players can look forward to plenty more new content coming in Season 6. The new Type 11 LMG, Model 37, and M2 Carbine weapons, as well as the Lunge Mine and M1A1 Bazooka, will also be available as Chapter Rewards. Furthermore, the new Solomon Islands map will be launching at the start of the Chapter. It will be available for the Breakthrough, Conquest, Squad Conquest, and Team Deathmatch game modes. Beyond that, there may be additional content coming later in the Chapter which DICE has yet to announce.