War in the Pacific, the fifth Chapter of Battlefield 5’s Tides of War, is now available to play on all platforms; PC, Xbox One, and PS4. The new Chapter’s launch content includes two new factions, two new maps, and an array of new weapons and vehicles. Plus, there will be more content coming throughout the next few months, including the classic Wake Island map. The patch notes for the Battlefield 5 War in the Pacific update were recently released by DICE, detailing what exactly is included.
Tides of War Chapter 5: Battlefield 5 War in the Pacific
Following on from Tides of War Chapter 4 and the month-long Battlefest event, the Battlefield 5 War in the Pacific Chapter will span the next few months. While plenty of the new content is available at launch, the Wake Island map will be coming in December, and three new weapons will feature as Chapter Rewards. There are also two new Elites coming later in the Chapter, one each for the US and Japan. The release marks Battlefield 5’s first foray into the Pacific theatre of the Second World War; at release, the game focused primarily on Europe and Northern Africa. As such, fans have been asking for this for a very long time.
War in the Pacific also includes more new content than any previous Tides of War Chapter; making it the game’s largest expansion to date. As such, it’s no surprise that DICE has been making more of an effort to promote the game in recent weeks. Indeed, the company has been running free trial weekends throughout October. These have given gamers the chance to try out Battlefield 5 without having to buy the game. In fact, the next of these trials will be taking place this weekend and will feature all of the War in the Pacific content.

It’s currently unknown what DICE has planned after the release of War in the Pacific. The studio first teased Chapter 5 months ago, in the same trailer which announced content for Chapter 4. However, it’s not known what might be in the works for Chapter 6 or anything beyond that.