EA has now released the latest update for Battlefield 1; a colossal 5.8 GB patch for the Xbox One X which serves to upgrade the game considerably. The patch introduces “full 4K resolutions” for the game. However, fans have since discovered that it seems to have introduced a major bug; one that affects the game’s multiplayer gameplay.
The Battlefield 1 Update for Xbox One X
The new Battlefield 1 update for the Xbox One X does improve the game’s graphics considerably. It might still fall short of a PC’s graphics, but it’s much closer to that level than on a standard Xbox One now. The update also features a variety of frame-rate improvements, particularly in the game’s campaign mode. Thus far, it doesn’t seem that the graphical improvements have caused a decrease in performance. While, all told, the update seems to do what EA promised it would, it also does something which EA probably didn’t intend.
The new update appears to have introduced a significant bug into the game’s multiplayer modes. The bug causes serious drops in performance when a player is using the Xbox Live party system. Both the Xbox One X and Xbox One S consoles have been affected, and users have reported drops of around 10fps. However, it also causes an intermittent stutter to occur during gameplay, and occasional heavier spikes in frame-rate drops. Some users have reported that the problems increase when they use voice chat. Leaving the Xbox Live party and stopping voice seems to fix the problem, but leaves players unable to talk to their squad-mates.
This is a very serious bug, and has probably already been brought to EA’s attention by frustrated players. Hopefully, the company will be quick to put out a fix. A similar situation occurred a few months ago with CD Projekt Red and a Witcher III update to improve graphics. In that case, the studio worked quickly to bring out a patch. Hopefully, EA takes a few cues from CD Projekt Red and follows suit.