How much is it going to cost to buy the PS5 or Xbox Series X? We will find out as soon as pre-orders are available, but we are still waiting on that to happen. In the meantime, it is possible that Best Buy leaked the PS5 and Xbox Series X price through the financing information on their pre-order pages. Let’s take a look.
Has Best Buy Leaked the PS5 and Xbox Series X Price?
The Best Buy pre-order pages for PS5 and Xbox Series X included a financing option. According to the details for alternative financing available through Christmas 2020 on the site, the financing would cover a span of up to 18 months and $500.
Is this a direct confirmation of the PS5 and Xbox Series X price? No. But it is a logical and reasonable guess. Why? The two consoles are going to be huge sellers this holiday season, and $500 is right in line with the majority of price estimates. Why would Best Buy not want to structure its holiday season financing plan around the next gen consoles? So, take it with a grain of salt. It isn’t official, but it makes sense to us.
This is not the only pre-order-related rumor we have come across lately involving PS5 and Xbox Series X. Some people believe that September 9th could be the date when PS5 pre-orders begin. That date would celebrate the anniversary of PlayStation, so it is a smart guess. But once again, it is not official, and we just will have to wait to find out what happens.
As soon as it is possible to pre-order the PS5 or the Xbox Series X, we will let you know in our PlayStation news section. There, you can also follow the latest rumors and updates about the price, release date, upcoming games, and more. In fact, get started by reading about the PS5 launch lineup.