It has been three long years since Bethesda released their first teaser trailer to announce Starfield at E3 of 2018. In the many months since, the studio has revealed almost nothing about the project, and fans have been left to speculate about what it is and when it might actually release. Now, at last, we have an answer.
Starfield Trailer & Release Date Revealed
The first official Starfield trailer was released earlier today during the joint Microsoft-Bethesda showcase at E3 2021. The cinematic trailer gave fans their first glimpse at the game’s setting, and most notably, a release date. Starfield is due to release on the 11th of November, 2022. Unfortunately, that does mean fans will still have to wait more than a year before the game actually releases. (Assuming that Starfield is not delayed between now and then, which is a very real possibility.)
The other big reveal, which the trailer ended on, is that Starfield will be an Xbox exclusive. This should come as no big surprise. Ever since Microsoft bought Bethesda for $7.5 billion, it has always looked very likely that future Bethesda games could be Xbox exclusives. Now, we have confirmation that this will indeed be the case. Starfield will be exclusive to Xbox and Windows PC, and will also be available on Xbox Game Pass on launch day. In fact, many of Bethesda’s upcoming projects will also be coming to Game Pass at launch; a major perk for Game Pass subscribers and no doubt a major payoff for Microsoft’s costly acquisition.
When it releases in 2022, Starfield will be Bethesda’s first brand-new IP in twenty-five years; their first major step away from both Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Relatively little is currently known about the setting and story, although the world is reportedly around 300 years ahead of the present day. In a recent interview with the Washington Post, Todd Howard mentioned a faction known as “The Constellation” who exist as a group of space explorers. Howard describes their activities as; “like NASA meets Indiana Jones meets The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” which is certainly a thought-provoking mash-up.