Bloodborne Is Getting a Fan-Run Halloween Event

Bloodborne is one of those games that every PlayStation 4 player should try, especially if they’re a Dark Souls fan. Despite its age, Bloodborne still maintains a very active fan community, and that community is coming together to celebrate Halloween. Later this month, all Bloodborne players are encouraged to participate in the ‘Blood Moon’ fan-run event.

Bloodborne is getting a fun Halloween-themed fan event.

Bloodborne Halloween Event

This Bloodborne subreddit post has the full details on how the Blood Moon event will go down. Similar to the previous Return to Yharnam event, Blood Moon’s main purpose is to repopulate the game’s online world. Blood Moon will run from October 26 to November 1, and anyone wishing to participate can follow the below criteria:

  • Create a new character.
  • Co-op at least 3 times before defeating the boss of each area.
  • Invade at least 3 times before defeating the boss of each area.
  • Always carry your torch to demonstrate you’re part of the hunt.

Blood Moon participants are encouraged not to go above level 120 since Bloodborne uses character level to determine matchmaking viability. Since most participants are making new characters, staying at a low level ensures smoother matchmaking all around. Sadly, much like with Dark Souls, Bloodborne’s online infrastructure doesn’t allow for direct matchmaking. Instead, players manually deploy a widespread ping and matchmake with other pinging players if able.

Blood Moon is just the latest in a series of fan-made events meant to reinvigorate a Souls game’s online community. Similar events happened in the original Dark Souls, to the point where they became an annual tradition. Given Bloodborne’s strong gothic horror aesthetic, a Halloween-themed revival feels particularly appropriate.

Even if you don’t have a PS4, you can still technically play Bloodborne via Sony’s PlayStation Now service. If you enjoy delving into Bloodborne’s lore, this story about one of the game’s boss encounters may also interest you.