Borderlands 2 Story Recap Trailer Released by Gearbox

One week after releasing a story recap trailer for the original Borderlands, Gearbox has confirmed the suspicion that they plan to release one for each of their games in the buildup to Borderlands 3. Earlier today, the studio released a Borderlands 2 story recap trailer on YouTube. The new trailer picks up where the first one left off. It introduces Handsome Jack, Angel, and The Warrior, as well as the second set of Vault Hunters.

Gearbox’s New Borderlands 2 Story Recap Trailer

Just like the recent Borderlands trailer, the Borderlands 2 story recap trailer gives fans a brief overview of the game’s plot. It introduces the four playable Vault Hunters from Borderlands 2, though not by name, as well as Handsome Jack, the Crimson Raiders, and Angel. Moving swiftly from Angel’s betrayal of the Vault Hunters to her sacrifice in an effort to stop Jack, the trailer covers Lilith’s capture and the awakening of The Warrior; the final boss of Borderlands 2.

The trailer ends at that event, leaving an obvious opening for another trailer to pick up. Presumably, the next story recap trailer will be for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. It’s unknown whether Gearbox plans to also do a story recap trailer for Tales From the Borderlands. Given that at least one Tales character, Rhys, has been confirmed to appear in Borderlands 3, it’s certainly possible. However, given that Tales was made by Telltale Games, rather than Gearbox itself, it’s also possible that they may choose to skip over it. No doubt fans will be hoping to see it covered, however.

Borderlands 2 Story Recap Trailer Released 2

Notably, this new trailer released one week ahead of the Borderlands 3 worldwide gameplay reveal, which will take place on the 1st of May. On that day, Gearbox will be livestreaming fans’ first look at Borderlands 3 gameplay. According to the studio, fans will get to see plenty of other streamers playing the game shortly after; suggesting that many well-known streamers may have been provided with early access or demo versions of the upcoming game.