With the addition to Borderlands 3 of the new Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite, a new high-difficulty mission designed for full squads of endgame players, Gearbox appears to be looking to cater to their most devoted players; those players who have been playing since launch and are now looking for more of a challenge. Those players won’t just have to play the Takedown to find that challenge, however. Alongside it, Gearbox have also added a new version of the Borderlands 3 Mayhem mode. Mayhem 4 offers even greater difficulty, as well as changes to the random modifiers of Mayhem mode.
The New Borderlands 3 Mayhem 4 Difficulty Option
While the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite is likely to cater well to what Borderlands 3’s most dedicated players want, the mission is designed to take roughly 30-45 minutes to complete. As such, Gearbox’s new Borderlands 3 Mayhem 4 difficulty option is evidently seeking to provide a more consistent challenge. The Mayhem 4 option boosts the difficulty of Mayhem mode even more than Mayhem 3, increasing enemy health while simultaneously increasing loot drop rates. Plus, it even includes a whole new set of Legendary weapons and class mods that will only drop in Mayhem 4!
The random modifiers of Mayhem mode are also somewhat different in Mayhem 4. The mode will only roll a single positive modifier for players and a single enemy bonus modifier, instead of multiple. This change only affects Mayhem 4. According to Gearbox, the reason for this change was because; “We want players to try different builds without severely hampering their ability to take down enemies in Mayhem 4.”
In order to implement Mayhem 4 into the game, Gearbox have changed the Mayhem station aboard Sanctuary III. The Mayhem mode itself is not activated via the central pillar, while smaller pillars on the sides allow players to adjust the Mayhem level. While Mayhem 4 may well provide players with a new challenge, it may be something of a stopgap to keep players sated while Gearbox prepares a total overhaul of Mayhem. “We’re working hard on Mayhem 2.0,” explains Gearbox; “which will add brand new gameplay additions to Mayhem Mode in the future. Until then, we hope you enjoy the challenge and new loot!”