Borderlands 3 Goes Gold Ahead of September Release Date

Borderlands 3 has officially gone gold, according to Gearbox, who recently shared the announcement on social media. The news sharply reduces the likelihood of any last-minute delays to the Borderlands 3 release date, which is due to be the 13th of September. It also helps to explain why the studio has been especially gung-ho with their marketing campaign.

Borderlands 3 Has Officially Gone Gold

The announcement that Borderlands 3 has gone gold should relieve any fans who were worried that the game might have a last-minute delay. After all, such delays are far from unheard of, especially for online multiplayer titles. Now that the game has officially gone “gold,” the game is essentially complete, for all intents and purposes. (Although Gearbox will no doubt continue to tinker with improvements and bug-fixed leading up to release.)

Although it’s not unknown for a game to go gold more than a month before launch, it’s perhaps more common for games to make such an announcement within a week or two before release. After all, developers often work until the last possible moment to get things finished. In this case, the announcement has certainly come a little earlier than expected. Reassuringly early, perhaps.

Borderlands 3 Release Date Goes Gold 2

Since the announcement of the game earlier this year, Gearbox has maintained a very aggressive marketing campaign. The studio has released numerous trailers, titbits of information, screen-shots and much more. Such a strategy might have fallen flat if the Borderlands 3 release date had been delayed at the last-minute. However, if Gearbox knew that the game was due to be ready with a comfortable gap before release, that may explain why they’ve been particularly aggressive with promotional releases and content. Indeed, that marketing will no doubt continue for the next month-and-a-half. Gearbox will be releasing character details and trailers for FL4K and Amara next week, for instance. The trailers for the other two Vault Hunters, Zane Flynt and Moze, were released within the last few days.