Back in April of 2020, Gearbox launched “Revenge of the Cartels,” a limited-time seasonal event in Borderlands 3. This event dominated the game until mid-June, offering a new area to explore, new enemies and bosses, and special event-exclusive loot. Now, Revenge of the Cartels is on its way back to Borderlands 3, and will be launching later this month.
Borderlands 3: Revengeance of Revenge of the Cartels
At present, Gearbox is running a series of week-long challenges called the Guardians’ True Trials. The third of five such Trials is currently live in-game; the True Trial of Discipline. Each of these mini-events gives huge buffs to a particular boss in the Proving Grounds Trials, putting them on par with the game’s toughest raid boss, Hemovorous. Succeeding in defeating this boss earns players two special Legendary items which have been handpicked by the development team.
There will be six True Trials in total, with the second-to-last event ending on the 24th of June. On that date, Gearbox will launch; “Revengeance of Revenge of the Cartels”. This will be the return of the original Revenge of the Cartels event from last year, giving players another chance to take on the Cartel gangs and visit “Villa Ultraviolet”. Gearbox has yet to reveal how, if at all, this “Revengeance” will differ from the original event. The studio has also not confirmed the event’s total duration. Last year, Revenge of the Cartels was available in-game for around two months. Since then, Gearbox has come to favour shorter limited-time events.
Revenge of the Cartels has a similar structure to the Bloody Harvest Halloween event. Players must hunt down Cartel Operatives throughout the game, prompting encounters with gangs of Cartel Thugs. Players who defeat these enemies earn coordinates, and after finding enough of these, Maurice will be able to send players to Villa Ultraviolet. This event-exclusive area is an opulent mansion where players must face waves of Cartel enemies. There are three different gangs, each with a different fighting style and mini-boss. The final boss, however, is always Joey Ultraviolet.