The latest free content expansion for Borderlands 3, Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite is now available to play. Although it is smaller than a full DLC, it is also the game’s first ‘Takedown’; a new type of high-difficulty mission which is loosely equivalent to a ‘Raid’ for Borderlands 3. All told, the Maliwan Blacksite features an all-new area with three unique bosses, new enemies, and exclusive loot.
Borderlands 3’s Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite Content Expansion
“Lorelei has recruited the Vault Hunters to destroy a top-secret weapon Maliwan has been developing at their Blacksite,” explains Gearbox; “You and your squad should prepare for an extreme challenge because this content is balanced for four players at level 50.”
Coming just a day after the official reveal of Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, the first Borderlands 3 campaign DLC, Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite is likely to be popular among players who have already beaten the main game and are looking for a new challenge. While the upcoming DLC will be available to play throughout the game, Takedowns can only be accessed once players complete the campaign. The mission is designed for a squad of four level-50 players to tackle together. Of course, players can attempt the mission with fewer people, or even try a solo run. However, the mission does feature online matchmaking for those who want a team.

To increase the difficulty, Takedown missions will feature different gameplay mechanics in certain areas. Players cannot simply respawn, for example. If you don’t get revived by a teammate or get a Second Wind then you’ll end up spectating until the rest of your teammates also perish. However, there some specific moments where spectating players can spawn back in. If any players are spectating when the team beats the Valkyrie Squad, they will spawn back in. Similarly, any players who die after that will respawn if the team manages to beat Wotan the Invincible.