As great as Destiny 2’s new Forsaken expansion is, it’s also not without its share of issues, and Bungie recently took a little time to address how it will be handling such issues over the coming days.
According to a recent forum post from community manager Dmg04, Bungie is aware of the following known issues and exploits relating to the Forsaken expansion:
- Players glitching their way into a section of the upcoming Last Wish raid early and claiming a loot chest within that awards high-power gear.
- An exploit that allowed players to quickly acquire multiple Prime Engrams in a much shorter timeframe than what was intended.
- A network issue that would cause players to be auto-kicked from in-progress Gambit matches and thus hit with a 15-minute leaver penalty.
- An error that caused the reset for weekly challenge milestones to not only occur much earlier than intended but to also not award Powerful Gear for those who completed the milestones after the faulty reset.
- A Gambit-related exploit that allowed players to amass a large reserve of Masterwork Cores much more quickly than intended.
And now for the good news/bad news part. The good news is that the Masterwork Cores issue has been resolved, the glitched raid chest has been deactivated, and Bungie is actively working on a solution for the Gambit disconnects issue. The bad news is that players who finished the faulty weekly milestone challenges won’t be compensated in any way and the challenge reset that was supposed to occur this week won’t be happening.
Meanwhile, those who exploited their way to free raid-quality gear via the raid chest glitch won’t be punished in any way and the gear they received won’t be rescinded in any way. As for the Prime Engrams exploit, a fix hasn’t yet been implemented but Bungie warns that using it can actually be detrimental in the long run.
Destiny 2 players who are working hard to become raid-ready when The Last Wish raid opens this upcoming Friday are understandably upset since they are missing out on an entire week’s worth of weekly challenges (challenges which could otherwise have helped them gear up). Worse, it seems that those who glitched their way into the raid chest exploit are actually being rewarded for their efforts since they won’t have their gear taken away and will thus be better prepared for The Last Wish than those who tried to gear up legitimately.
In short, this is a rather large blemish on what was otherwise a very stellar launch for Destiny 2’s Forsaken expansion.