At very short notice, Activision has announced the first opportunity for gamers to try the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War multiplayer. Tomorrow, the publisher will be launching a PS4-exclusive Alpha event, available to play from the 18th of September to the 20th. In addition to four game modes, the event will feature five different maps.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Alpha – 6v6 Maps
Designed for the classic 6v6 game modes set to feature in tomorrow’s Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Alpha – Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Kill Confirmed – the event will feature three smaller 6v6 maps. The first of these is Miami. “A prison transport vehicle has been intercepted by Perseus through hired DGI forces,” writes Activision; “with CIA forces arriving to take them out in the heat of Miami’s South Beach.” This map will reportedly be an urban, nighttime map with both narrow streets and high sniper positions.

Another urban map featuring in the Alpha is Moscow. “In the heart of the U.S.S.R.,” explains Activision; “a Spetsnaz squad was sent to a compromised CIA safe house in order to secure the area, capture any remaining CIA operatives, and acquire further intel on NATO’s future plans”. The map is set around a Moscow metro station, with sections taking place on the streets and in the surrounding buildings.
Finally, there is the Satellite map, which is as far from urban as you can get. This map takes place in the arid canyons of the Angolan desert. “Soviet and American forces arrive on a battlefield devoid of any man-made structures,” writes Activision; “save for the satellite in question at mid-map. Other than this cover-heavy central point, the map’s rocky outcroppings and archways provide numerous flanking routes and plenty of cover.”
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Alpha – 12v12 Maps
Alongside the three 6v6 maps, there will also be two 12v12 maps available for the new Combined Arms: Domination game mode. The first of these is Armada, which takes place out in the North Atlantic Ocean. The actual map spans several large ships. Players will be able to use zip-lines to cross between them, or pilot Gunboats to navigate the waters between.

While Armada is a naval-focused map with plenty of watercraft, the other 12v12 map focuses heavily on land combat. The Crossroads map takes place in the Soviet wilderness, during a NATO ambush of a Soviet military convoy. The map features Tanks in addition to lighter Snowmobiles, and plenty of long-range sightlines. “Those planning out their strategy for victory should consider wresting control of the communications station,” advises Activision; “the lone structure that stands at the dead centre of the iced-over lake.”