Today is the launch of Black Ops 4 and many players are concerned about the Call of Duty Black Ops 4 no campaign issue. Many players are booting up the recently launched title to not find any campaign whatsoever. There is no mention of a singleplayer story in the menus at all. So where is it?
Unfortunately, we hate to break the news to you but there is no campaign in Call of Duty Black Ops 4. Though the first three titles had story-driven military campaigns, this is the first in the series to not. Developer Treyarch revealed that, in fact, there was never a singleplayer story in development, to begin with. However, not all hope is lost.
Despite not having a story, there are some extra game modes to make up for the lack of it. Though they are no replacement for no campaign in Call of Duty Black Ops 4, they are worth checking out. First and foremost, there are solo missions that you can take on. These are singleplayer titles and don’t require PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold to do.
The solo missions focus on the various Specialists, first introduced in Black Ops 3. There are a bit of cutscenes here and there to make up for there being no campaign. That’s not all, though. Zombies and the traditional multiplayer are all there as you would expect. Zombies, in particular, has its own story and cutscenes to it. It’s worth checking out if you want more story elements.
There is a new third pillar, though, that is also in Call of Duty Black Ops 4. That is the new Blackout mode. It is a Battle Royale mode similar to PUBG. You can take it on in solo, duo, or squad modes. It is one of the very best Battle Royale modes out there. While it is no campaign, it does allow you to create memorable stories with your friends.