Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 May Not Include A Traditional Single-Player Campaign

According to a source with knowledge of the project (via Polygon), Treyarch’s upcoming Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 will launch without a traditional single-player campaign. 

The single-player story-mode has been a staple of the franchise since the franchise’s debut Call Of Duty title in 2003. If this rumor is true, then this will potentially have huge ramifications for the behemoth FPS series moving forward.

Interestingly, the alleged report outlines how development on the single-player portion of the game was way behind schedule. As a result, the development team soon became aware that they would be unable to complete the single-player campaign in time for the game’s May 17th reveal date. Therefore, the developers decided to divert their resources into focusing on the franchise’s popular Multiplayer and Zombies modes. 

As a stand-in for the lack of a single-player mode, the report suggests that Treyarch will be concentrating much of their energy on new cooperative modes instead. That latter point sounds particularly interesting: Could this mean that the Call Of Duty series will capitalise on the ‘Battle Royale’ phenomenon that has rocked the gaming landscape? It’s possible, no?

Arguably, Call Of Duty’s biggest draw is its uber popular, genre-defining Multiplayer suite. Frankly, if there’s any portion of the series that had to be cut from the FPS package, it’s safe to say that most fans would opt for the single-player mode to be axed. That being said, personally I always look forward to Call Of Duty’s annual campaigns, though I’m probably very much in the minority with that one.    

But what do you all think? They say less is more, but honestly in this case, we think less is just less, right? As always, let us know in the comments below.