Call of Duty: Mobile Gets New One Shot, One Kill Game Mode

Following the recent reveal of new holiday content, Call of Duty: Mobile has debuted a brand-new game mode; One Shot, One Kill. However, this new party-style mode is only available for a very limited time. It will be no longer be available in Multiplayer after the 19th of December. Like so much of the game’s content, this new mode is based on a series classic. In this case, the One in the Chamber mode from Call of Duty: Black Ops.

The Call of Duty: Mobile One Shot, One Kill Game Mode

The new One Shot, One Kill Call of Duty: Mobile game mode is a free-for-all style multiplayer mode built to reward highly-accurate snap shots. Every player in the mode competes to be the first to score 20 kills. However, you spawn with only one gun; a revolver with just 3 bullets. Aside from melee, this is your only way of scoring kills, and you can only get more ammo from air drops or from fallen players. However, to make it easier to manage with these limited resources, players will go down in a single hit.

Call of Duty Mobile Game Mode One Shot One Kill 2

Because of the ammo limit in One Shot, One Kill, precision and patience are paramount. If you fire wildly at the first target you see, you’ll more than likely end up wasting your 3 shots. Instead, take the time to aim properly, if you have the chance. Of course, you’ll also want to stay on the move to prevent your opponents lining up shots on you! It’s also worth noting that deaths don’t contribute to your overall score in this mode; kills are the only thing that counts.

Air drops are likely to be invaluable in One Shot, One Kill, as in addition to offering fresh ammo, they can also provide buffs. As such, be wary of incoming drops, as players may well rush to try and claim it first. Indeed, you could even use a drop as bait. This new mode is only available for the next few days, so be sure to check it out while you have a chance!